Sunday, March 23, 2008

Non-conformist lettuce

It's getting warmer, but we're still growing lettuce! Even if you're not eating it, it's useful as a living mulch.

Really Locally Grown, Hydroponic Lettuce

Everything you ever wanted to know about hydroponic lettuce

Everything you needed for hydroponics

Earthbox, paper mulch, and bare ground Lettuce Production trial (the earthbox lettuce was sweeter)

Galactic Lettuce - somebody get me some of this seed. Gorgeous!

It's been awhile since I posted, but I'm still here. Would love to see some comments and feedback!

- The Ag Geek

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Fallen Fruit

Cheaps Eats recently posted about Fallen Fruit, a group in Los Angeles that are mapping the location of fruit trees. They host "nocturnal fruit forages," although I'm not sure when the next one will take place. KCET has a feature on Fallen Fruit that you might like to take a look at.

- The Ag Geek

Sunday, March 2, 2008

School Salad Bar

Link via the excellent What To Eat blog.

- The Ag Geek