Monday, February 11, 2008

Ethanol from Corn: Not the Best Idea?

From the "Well, duh!" department:
Biofuel crops increase carbon emissions

These are the abstracts of the articles everyone's referencing:
Land Clearing and the Biofuel Carbon Debt

Use of U.S. Croplands for Biofuels Increases Greenhouse Gases Through Emissions from Land Use Change

Here are some relevant podcasts about the topic (right-click or control-click, to save):
08 February 2008 - Science podcast (mp3)

Science Friday - Biofuels - Feb 08, 2008 (mp3)

"When US politicians talk about biofuels, most of the time they are talking about ethanol made from fermenting corn. However, there are many other types of biofuels, including biodiesel from algae and cellulosic ethanol technology. In this hour, Ira and guests talk about various approaches to biofuels and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Two new studies published this week in the journal Science suggest that growing additional biofuel crops might actually increase the amount of carbon entering the atmosphere, especially if existing forests or grasslands need to be cleared for biofuel farming. Do the fuels make sense from an environmental -- and economic -- standpoint?"

Also, a suprisingly good Wikipedia entry about Ethanol Fuel. As always, look at the discussion page for further insight.

Can we start talking about Plug-In Hybrids again?

- The Ag Geek

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