Monday, February 18, 2008

The Story of the Banana

It's 1922 and you are the United Fruit Company. The first copy of your book "The Story of the Banana" was such a rousing success, you printed a second edition. 86 years later, your book, surviving on some library shelf, has been scanned where an unsuspecting Ag Geek types "banana" into Google Book Search and you (United Fruit Company) no longer exists.

The Story of the Banana

"One will readily appreciate the necessity for infinite care in handling a bunch of bananas when he pauses to consider that this fruit, which is cut from the tree in a green state, is, until fully ripe, practically a living organism drawing sustenance from its stalk, with sap flowing and tissues changings; that it generates heat within itself in the ripening process..."

More on:
United Fruit Company (discussion)

- The Ag Geek

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